Potable Tank Cleaning Dredge Robotics

Industry Solutions

Our online robotic solutions are suitable for cleaning potable water in the following industries:
  • Public Utilities
  • Mining
  • Desalination
  • Water Treatment
  • Industrial

Internationally recognised certifications and accreditations.

Our robotic fleet features small and medium-size robots that are perfectly suited to cleaning above-ground water tanks including ground-level and elevated storage tanks. These robots are lightweight and fast to deploy, providing outstanding versatility and the extensive suite of features synonymous with Dredge Robotics.

Tanks can be rapidly cleaned to an exceptionally high standard without the need to take them offline, without disturbing sediment or impacting water quality.

Our cleaning robots are capable of accessing elevated areas of the tank such as column plinths, as well as features set lower than floor level such as scour channels.

Robots are surface controlled by an operator using multiple cameras mounted on each robot fed to a surface display console and includes one rear-mounted camera dedicated to monitoring consistency and quality of clean.

potable tank cleaning wa

Our tank cleaning robots offer the following advantages:

  • Highly versatile for different tank configurations.
  • Range of robot sizes for different tanks.
  • Liner safe options.
  • Very low water consumption (as little as 3% of tank volume).
  • Ultra-low turbidity.
  • No thrusters or hydraulic parts.
  • Extensively trialled and proven in real-world conditions.
  • No human entry.

Get in Touch

Find out how you can save time and money with our online robotic dredging solutions.